TurboTides software takes full advantage of the latest and most modern engineering and software development tools and practices so that it provides a highly integrated, all-in-one R&D platform.

TurboTides software takes full advantage of the latest and most modern engineering and software development tools and practices so that it provides a highly integrated, all-in-one R&D platform. All key functions for turbomachinery design are fully integrated into the single unified TurboTides system, including cycle modelling, 1D meanline modelling, 3D geometry generation, CFD, FEA and Optimization. Furthermore, TurboTides offers extensive support for the reuse and redesign optimization of past designs.
TurboTides has robust 1D, 2D and 3D design tools for all rotating components of a rocket turbopump. TurboTides’ advanced 1D module generates geometry for a given machine, using your input operating conditions and constraints. The 1D module can design complete stages with additional components such as vaned and vaneless diffusers, stators, volutes, and additional components and stages. The 1D analysis model provides predictions of the performance of a given geometry at different conditions and generates a predicted performance map.

Included within the TurboTides tools is our unique Data Reduction feature which calibrates the loss and deviation modelling to create predictions such that the performance predicted matches the performance of the machine as tested in a real application or using CFD results.
TurboTides includes powerful capabilities for importing prior designs into the TurboTides environment & knowledge database. Our Integrated 3D CAD import tools allow for full model parameterization. Additionally, our integrated database allows for saving, loading, organizing and re-use of legacy designs.
What is an example of industrial equipment?
Examples of “industrial fixtures” are fuel oil lines, boilers, craneways, and certain concrete slabs. “Device” is an item that is not attached to the building or site. Examples of devices are: Forklifts, chainsaws, air compressors, clamps, free standing shelving, software, ladders, wheelbarrows, and pulleys.

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What is the purpose of asset integrity management system?
Asset integrity management ensures you have the business processes, systems, tools, competence and resources you need to ensure integrity throughout the asset lifecycle. Design, operational, and technical integrity must all be managed effectively to control costs.
How do you maintain asset integrity?
An effective asset integrity management programme requires continuous monitoring and inspection to take place, and typically includes proactively inspecting assets to identify potential failures. The programme should feature regular inspections and testing, non-destructive testing, and continuous monitoring systems.
What is asset integrity process safety?
The terms ‘process safety’ and ‘asset integrity’ are both used throughout the petroleum industry, often synonymously. For the oil and gas industry the emphasis of process safety and asset integrity is to prevent unplanned releases which could result in a major incident.
What is the difference between asset integrity and reliability?
In a nutshell, Reliability is a measure of an asset ability to perform its intended function under designed conditions for the specified period of time. Asset Integrity is a more a condition monitoring of the assets using the NDT and Asset Integrity Techniques to avoid unplanned failures.
What is the main function of asset management?
Asset managers help protect investments by spreading them out across various types of stocks, bonds and other financial products. This diversification is especially important at times of economic uncertainty and high inflation.